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High water bill detection 

Receiving a high water bill in the mail is enough to make you scratch your head, especially when you have no noticeable leaks in your plumbing. If the cause of your spiked water bill is left unresolved, you could end up wasting thousands of dollars each year and spending money on a costly repair in the future. Whether your high water bill is caused by a leaky pipe or you are just unconsciously using an excess amount of water during the warmer months of the year, it is easy to figure out the problem if you tap into your inner detective.

is your  water bill high this month ? call this number (818) 431-3961 to get a free on site inspection

Toilets & Sinks Installation

toilet leak repair

Leaky Toilets and Faucets. 
You may think that the “drip, drip, drip” you hear coming from your sink or the almost unnoticeable stream of water going on in your toilet bowl even after the flush cycle has finished is no big deal, but these seemingly little water problems can cost more than 30 gallons of wasted water per day if not properly fixed. Leaky toilets and faucets are the leading causes of simple problems you can repair at home inexpensively.

Cracked Pipes. 
Cracked pipes are another source of leaking water, and can be hard to detect because many water pipes are buried underground. If your water bill spikes shortly after freezing cold temperatures have subsided, it is likely that you have a cracked pipe somewhere in the water pipes leading to your home.

Leak repair

Water service line 

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